
Monday, December 27, 2010

Your posture can affect your weight

People who rush and eat standing up, in the car, talking on the phone or while watching television
are prone to eating more volume than people who take the time to sit down and savor food. Typically, quick consumption of calories leads people to continue eating before realizing they are full. It must become a
practice, states Connie Guttersen, author of The Sonoma Diet. Enjoying food, especially with the people you love, not only helps your waist line stay in shape but your entire state of living become more enjoyable.

Toxins affect your weight.  When you clean your home, do your laundry, wash your dishes are you using products that are non-toxic (don't have chemicals) and biodegradeable (break up)?  If not, there are several reasons why you should:
  1. Toxins absorb in the fat cells of the body, which promotes weight gain.
  2. Toxins cause cancer, lupus, MS, asthma, allergies and the list goes on.
  3. If you are buying store bought items, you are getting toxins and they are not breaking up in the septic fields, in your pipes, and in the sewer system, which hurts our planet.
What can you do?  Loosing weight is a Cinch and when following the program for 12 weeks you can Get Clean.  Click on the names and learn more.

You can also call Mary Beth at 810-813-3308 for a complimentary Personal Confidential Nutrition Consultation.   

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Eat well in tight times

Do you have to give up eating well because your budget has been reduced?  No.  According to Catharine H.Powers R.D. of the Nutrient-Rich Foods Coalition, "If you do it right, it's cheaper than what you're doing now."  Catharine goes on to say, "if you wait until 6 decide what to eat for dinner you won't have all the ingredients." 

You don' t need to eat meat every day.  If you're family won't go meatless, reduce portions to 3 ounces and the meat will last for more than one meal. 

Want to add nutritional value to convenience foods?  Add frozen mixed vegetables to noodles or mix grated reduced-fat cheddar cheese into macaroni and cheese from a box.

Smart Switches

Switch from   Individual packets of sweetened oatmeal
To                  Quick-cooking oats

Switch from    Hamburger and pasta seasoning mix
To                   Whole-grain pasta, dried herbs

Switch from     Instant rice
To                    Brown rice or quick-cooking brown rice

These are a few of the switches Catharine recommended.

You can do switches in smart ways without overwhelming yourself or your family.  One is make one  or two of the above changes in a month and continue to do this on a monthly basis.  Or just do it without telling your family.  They probably won't even notice if you are the primary cook in the house.  Most importantly food will taste better and it is better for everyone.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Are Multivitamins Dead?

When I was pregnant, I thought the pre-natal vitamin was good.  But then it was packed with iron and well I didn't do so well with the iron.  It wasn't the iron, it was what they didn't put with the iron to help it absorb into my body.  Why?  It was synthetic. 

In the November 2010 article in Prevention Magazine there was an article "Should you Kick the Multivitamin Habit?"

The article concluded that multivitamins provide not proven benefit and may actually cause harm.    the readers of Prevention were encouraged instead to focus on supplements containing Vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids and calcium.

So, the quesiton becomes "Are multivimins dead?"

The media only gives half the story.  Why?  Pharmaceutical companies don't want us to take whole food supplements.  Think about it.  If we eat healthy 80% of the time, exercise and take a high end natural line of supplements, we won't need prescriptions or we will need a bare minimum.  Thus reducing their profits significantly. 

Balance is the key.  Are multivitamins good?  Depends on what brand you take.  Should that be the only thing you take?  It depends on you.  Age, lifestyle, gender, all of these factors need to be considered when determining what supplements you need.

Who can help?  ME.  I am passionate about helping people who want an honest, reliable and trusting person.  

We can work together to  help you live a long, healthy and HAPPY life.