
Monday, June 27, 2011

Athletes of every kind

Are you a professional athlete, amateur athlete, recreational athlete, just trying to get fit, or even a weekend gardener?  Now that summer is here, I'm certain you fall into one of those categories or know someone who is. 

What does one do to achieve peak performance or just prevent from being sore the next day?  What about prevention to injury? 

Well, eat healthy before (for example an organic protein bar or protein smoothie), hydrate during (add something to your water that has potassium and natural sugars), and after do both.  Seem simple?  You bet.  But it is a habit to create, if you don't already have a program in place. 

Go here and see what Olympic athletes do to achieve peak performance, without steroids or other drugs.

So you're not an Olympic athlete?  That's okay, they are a rare bread.  The point is that it is important to give the body optimal nutrition in preventing injury, illness and disease. 

Want more information?  Do you like free things?  Click here

Create one or two good habits monthly.  In a year's time you will have created 12-24 good habits.  WOW! 

Need help with creating good habits?  Contact Mary Beth at

Have a safe and happy July 4th!

Mary Beth

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Would you like pesticides with your peach?

What if I told you that when you eat a peach (non organic), you may be getting up to 57 pesticides.  Just when you thought you and/or your family was eating something good for them and then you find out about the pesticides.   Go here for the rest of the story.

Want to change the dirty dozen to the Clean 15?  Buy organic and when you can't, use a fruit/veggie cleaner.  The one I use works GREAT and is cost effective.   Do I have your attention?  Click here and find out what I use and the many other uses of this unique product.

Questions?  Email me at

Have a fantastic day!

Mary Beth

Monday, June 6, 2011

Stress is a Choice

There are many things we can do about stress.  For example:  healthy foods, a good night sleep, read an inspirational book, and pray.

You can choose not to have stress.  Simplify your life.  According to David Zerfoss, author of Stress is a Choice, "Whether your business life is overly complicated or your personal life (or both), you have chosen this current system of chaos.  The world is a tantalizing swirl of getting the next "fix", tempting us to fit more and more things, people and processes into our lives, personally and professionally."

If you would like to preview Zerfoss's book, click here

Want to know some simple things you can do to offset the affects of stress?  Go here

Make simple and positive changes, 1-2 each month.  In a years time you will have made 12 - 24 simple and positive changes.  WOW!

We who have no time for our health today, may have no time for our healthy tomorrow.

Mary Beth

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Who will you inspire today?

An excerpt from The Best Way Out is Always Through by BJ Gallgher

Our journey of life is about progress, not perfection. It's not about doing one thing 100% better - it's a matter of doing 100 things, 1% better each day.

Progress is evolutionary not revolutionary, and most days we measure our progress in inches, not miles.  What matters most is showing up for your life whether you feel like it or not.

Ask yourself, "What two or three little things can I do today that would move me forward?"  You'll be amazed at how much distance you can cover by taking it in increments.

The little things add up; the inches turn to miles; and we string together our efforts like so many pearls. Before long, look what you have - a whole strand!

Ah... beautiful.

Will you pay this forward?

Have an inspirational day!

Mary Beth