
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

That's the Fat Jack

We don't like to discuss it, but that doesn't make it go away.  What?  BELLY FAT!  Have you heard about the dangers of abdominal obesity?

Belly fat increases the risk of:

  • diabetes

  • heart disease

  • cancer

  • Did you know that it could literally be killing you, even if you are at an ideal body weight?

    A group of scientists at the National Institutes of Health recently analyzed data collected from 44,000 women in the Nurses' Health Study over a 16-year period and asked if abdominal obesity affected their death rates from heart disease and cancer (Zhang et al, Circulation, 117: 1658-1667, 2008).

    The answer was yes!

    You ask "How can they be at ideal body weight and still have abdominal obesity?"Of course, the women who were both overweight and had abdominal obesity were even more likely to die from heart disease or cancer.

    There is a natural tendency to lose muscle mass as we age. When we add in the inactivity associated with the American lifestyle that loss of muscle mass is accelerated and the muscle is replaced with fat.

    Thus, it is actually possible in today's world to have both normal weight and abdominal obesity - and that is not a good thing!
    So it is not just about not looking good in your bathing suit - abdominal obesity is a killer!

    The good news is that you can do something about abdominal obesity.  A combination of exercise, a healthy diet and the "Cinch Inch Loss Plan" is a proven way of getting rid of that unsightly belly fat forever!

    Thank you to Dr. Stephen Chaney for this information.

    If you want a credible person to speak with who will help you get rid of abdominal obesity (belly fat) and want confidentiality, call Mary Beth at 810-813-3308.

    Wednesday, June 2, 2010

    What is Resveratrol and what good can it do?

    It has been awhile since I've posted any information in my blog.  Life has a way of throwing curve balls, right?  Anyway in getting back on track, I wondered what would be good information to provide.  Many testimonies and emails told me to write about resveratrol

    What is resveratrol?  According to MD Cancer Center, A substance found in the skins of grapes and in certain other plants, fruits and seeds. It is made by various plants to help defend against invading fungi, stress, injury, infection and too much sunlight. It is being studied in the prevention of cancer and heart disease. ... 

    So what good is it?  Why should we take resveratrol?  Are all resveratrol supplements the same? 

    Resveratrol, when combined with elderberry extract, pomegranate juice, elderberry juice powder and pomegranate extract is a concentrated supplement that actually gets to the DNA level in our bodies.
    Why should we take it?  If you want to slow down the aging process, have more energy,  address health issues, wanting to prevent a health issue that is hereditary, etc.  then you would want to take this specific formula.

    Like a multi-vitamin there are many products out there that claim to be natural, the best, the cheapest, etc.  So if you're like me, you want a company that puts science and research first.  A company that doesn't make something because it is the fad.  A reputable company that has it's consumers' best interest at heart. 

    If' you're like me, you want to live a long HEALTHY life and not be a victim to prescription drugs.   You only want side benefits!

    Click here to see what I'm talking about.  Call Mary Beth at 810-813-3308 if you want vitality and increase your energy level.

    Many blessings,

    Mary Beth