
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Calories Rule Part 3

Don't forget the other part of the calorie equation.

That's right, exercise.  While you burn some calories every time you exercise, the real value of exercise is that it increases lean muscle mass and lean muscle mass burns more calories than fat.

Again, if you consult the National Weight Control Registry, you will find that virtually everyone who has been successful at keeping the weight off exercises on an almost daily basis.

Don't start if you can't finish.

Once again, the National Weight Control Registry puts that in perfect perspective.

Almost everyone who was successful at keeping the weight off long term had stopped thinking of it as a diet. It was just a way of life.

It was how they ate. It was the exercise that they liked to do on a daily basis. It no longer required any conscious effort. It no longer required any will power.

This is perhaps the most important weight control principle of all.

When you make your resolutions this New Year, don't make a resolution to change your weight.  Make a resolution to change your life!

A BIG thank you to Dr. Stephen Chaney who provided this information. 

If you or anyone you know, is looking for a reliable source to personally help them with weight management, lifestyle changes, and feeling wonderful call me at 810-813-3308.

To your health.

Mary Beth

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