
Monday, April 19, 2010

What's that smell?

Do you walk down the isle that has detergents, cleaning products, fabric softeners and the like?  If I must go down that isle for something other than those products, I run.  The smells are so strong and too fragrant for me.  Some people like those smells.  They think clean smells just like that.  But did you know clean really doesn't have a fragrance?

But did you realize that many of the cleaners that you buy in the supermarket - and some of the biodegradable cleaners that you buy in the health food store - release toxic fumes in your home that can adversely affect the health of you and your children?  Want to know if the products you use are dangerous to your family's health and to your health?  See the list.

Dr. Stephen Chaney relayed the following:  The prevalence of childhood asthma increased 74% between 1980 and 1994 and has continued to increase in the years since.  The causes of this rapid increase in asthma prevalence are likely to be complex, but evidence has accumulated in recent years that some of the increase may be caused by early exposure to toxic chemical fumes in the home.

And to get the smell out of the home, well no one opens their windows any more.  That would be wasting energy and contributing to global warming.

The other thing is that we live in a fast paced world.  No news to you, right?  So we want something that will clean without a lot of effort.  Here's what I know, my family doesn't get headaches when they are cleaning (yes my son 15 and daughter 12 help clean the house), I don't have to worry about pets getting sick or something fatal because they licked the floor, and if I don't want to use gloves when I'm cleaning my hands don't feel like they've been in the desert for 40 days. Why?  Click here to find out what I use.

If you want to do everything you can to prevent illness, have clean air in your home, save money, and reduce landfills, call Mary Beth at 810-813-3308.

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