
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tip of the week June 1, 2009


Okay we know that's not entirely true, but some things are a Cinch.

Now that we are in June, we want to look good and especially feel great in that bathing suit and shorts. Here are 3 diet myths from Joy Bauer, M.S., R.D., C.D.N.

  1. Bananas are fattening - FALSE. One medium banana is only 105 calories, a good source of fiber (3 grams), magnesium (32 mg), potassium (422 mg!) and B6 (.4 mg). Also, low glycemic level, which means the natural sugars in a banana gradually get into the bloodstream and cells.
  2. Certain foods can help you loose belly fat - FALSE Contray to what some diet books and artifcles preach, certain foods cannot magically melt away the fat off your belly (or any other part of your body). Where fat tends to settle is typically all in your genetics. Burn more calories than you take in. Exercise regularly (3 times per week at least 30 minutes per time), you'll burn calories, strengthen muscle mass and will strengthen your immune system.
  3. The more you sweat during exercise, the more weight you loose - FALSE While it's true that exercise helps you loose weight by burning more caloires, in order to loose one pound of real fat weight during your workout, you'd need to burn 3,500 calories. Heavy sweating only indicates how much "temporary" water weight you've lost.

Did you know that a pound of fat the body burns 2 calories, but a pound of muscle burns 50 calories?!

Any successful weight loss program includes: lean meats, fresh fruit and vegetables, exercise, drink water (an 8 ounce cold glass of water the body burns 40 calories), and exercise.

You say you've tried that and it works temporarily but then the weight comes back and then some? Click here for that missing link.

May you have a healthy, happy and safe summer!

Mary Beth Potrykus

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