
Sunday, January 27, 2013

That's the fat Jack

Visceral fat isn't good for Jack or anyone else.  What is Visceral Fat?  Visceral fat is the fat surrounding the major organs in the body.  You have visceral fat, if your waist is more than 1/2 your inches in height, you have visceral fat (ie: you are 64 inches tall and your waist is more than 32 inches).

So let's talk about the heart.  Take your fist, and have it pump like our heart would.  Then take your other hand and cover it with the hand that is pumping like your heart.  Is it difficult to have your hand move?  Well that is what visceral fat does to your heart. 

How can you get rid of visceral fat?  Go here

I'm here to help.  Contact me at

Mary Beth

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