
Sunday, October 31, 2010


It is said that we do need some sugar for brain health.  However, like with many things, too much of one thing is not good for the body and the mind. 

Today is Halloween.  How much sugar will your child consume?  According to UCLA med research we lose 5 hours of immunity for every tsp of sugar we consume.

If you're like me you "help" your child eat candy.  I can eat one piece and that satisfies my craving.  But it is hard to resist candy and maybe you like to eat more than one piece and your child is the same way.  We do like to give our children treats.

However, what happens is eating candy and Halloween being in the cold and flu season, children get sick.  So how can you let your child indulge one day and still help him with his immune system?  Well one is giving them a good dinner before trick or treating.  Two, supplements (vitamins and herbs that we can't get from our food supply).  This offsets the affect of candy, keep in mind it doesn't replace good food (fresh fruits and veggies).

Here are supplements I recommend:  Multi vitamin, vitamin C, immune builder, probiotic.

Prevention is the key to something as common as the cold to cancer.

Have a Happy and Healthy Halloween.

Mary Beth

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