
Monday, January 10, 2011

Which diet is the one for you?

Once again, loosing weight is the #1 New Years Resolution.  Why?  Most diets you loose the fat and the muscle.  Why is it important to keep muscle?:
  1. Speeds up the metabolism naturally
  2. Reduces cravings for sweets and carbs
  3. Natural energy
  4. One pound of muscle the body burns 50 calores, one pound of fat the body burns 2 calories.
  5. Keeping the muscle increases the loss of Viseral Fat (fat that surrounds the heart, liver and other major organs). 
We are on information overload from the internet.  You can choose any diet you want.  There are countless diet programs.  So what diet is right for you?  Consider the following when choosing a diet:
  • Is it a simple program that I can follow?
  • Is it a lifestyle change so I can get to my goal weight and maintain my goal weight?
  • When using supplements, meal replacements, etc, does the manufacturer guarantee NO STIMULANTS?
  • Do the products taste good?
  • Is support available?
I was on a weight loss program through a company that claimed they only had natural products.  Chinese Mau Huang is natural, a natural stimulant.  Chinese Mau Huang is equivalent to Ephedra.  This caused me to be at my lowest point of my health in my life.

So I learned from my lesson and share that knowledge with others who are committed to living a healthy and long life. 

It's a Cinch to loose an inch! 

To speak with a trained consultant, call Mary Beth at 810-813-3308. You can also go to

You didn't click on this blog by chance, you were meant to read this.

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