
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Why Supplement?

Many times I hear, "I'm healthy or I'm young so why do I need to use supplements (or some say vitamins)?"  If you eat according to the food pyramid guide, breathe only clean air, drink only the purest of water, exercise at least 3 times weekly, and have no stress in your life then no you don't need to supplement.  Does this sound like you?

When I first started taking supplements, I thought to myself am I going to do this for the rest of my life?  Fourteen years later I'm still taking supplements.  I don't take a day off either.

Why do I say supplements versus vitamins?  Because the products I use and market, supplement what we don't get from our diet.  Be careful because not all supplements are created equally. 

Click here for an even better explanation of Why Supplement

If you are already using supplements, are you getting the results  you want?  Why did you start taking supplements?  Did a doctor recommend them?  Were you told "all brands are the same, just go to the grocery store"?

I'm not here to treat or diagnose, but many traditional doctors aren't knowledgeable in supplements.  They have their reasons.

But if you are looking for someone who has your best interest at heart, email me and we can set up a time to discuss what is best for you.  Because that is who matters, YOU.

Give yourself the gift of health this holiday season so that you can enjoy many more to come.

Many blessings,

Mary Beth

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