
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Supplementation can cure disease

There are two big misconceptions that people have about supplementation.

1.  Supplementation can cure disease. 

Supplements aren't drugs that cure diseases.  People should think of them as providing the nutrients that are the building blocks of health - or perhaps the ammunition that the body uses to fight diseases. 

Diseases, after all, are an abnormal state of being, and out bodies have an amazing capacity to fight those diseases.

When we have infections or cancer our body activates it's immune system to fight it.  when we have inflammation our body tries to put out the fire.  When we have damage to our DNA - our genetic information - our body tries to repair it.  The list is almost endless.  Our bodies are wondrously designed!

Our immune system requires nutrients like protein, B vitamins, anti-oxidants, zinc and iron.

The omega-3 fatty acids, anti-oxidants and polyphenols like resveratrol are anti-inflammatory.  Nutrients like anti-oxidants and polyphenols support DNA repair.

Proper diet and supplementation are not "magic bullets" that cure diseases.  They are simply the building blocks that allow the body to do what it does best.  Because there are not two of us alike, the nutrients that we need the most to allow our bodies to do their job efficiently may be different for each one of us.

2.  It doesn't matter what you eat.

There are people who have been told by the "experts" that the cause of their disease was not related to diet so they shouldn't worry about what they eat and supplementation will not do any good.

Let's take the most extreme example - genetically caused diseases or serious degenerative diseases like multiple sclerosis or Parkinson's for which the causes are still not fully understood.

It is generally true that theses diseases were not caused by poor diet (MS may be the exception because there is some evidence that it can be caused by inadequate vitamin D during childhood).  There are many people who take the "expert's" advice to heart and eat whatever they like and consider supplementation a waste of money.

Any nutritionist will tell you that an inadequate diet can lead to malaise, low energy, inflammation, weakened immune system and impaired wound healing.  Even if you don't end up with the symptoms of a nutritional deficiency a poor diet can rob you of energy and vitality.

A poor diet on top of the underlying disease, your chances of being able to cope with disease and function optimally are greatly diminished. 

What is the bottom line?
  1. If  you give your body the nutrients that it needs, it often has the ability to cure itself.
  2. Proper diet and supplementation can  make a difference even if the disease was not caused by poor nutrition.
  3. Each of us have unique nutritional needs, so in both cases a holistic approach to diet and supplementation is best.
Although weight control and exercise weren't mentioned, they are an essential part of any holistic health program.*

If you're not sure where to start, contact me for a Personal Confidential Nutrition Consultation.  They are available over the phone and in person.

Focusing on Health,

Mary Beth Potrykus

*Thank you to Dr. Chaney for providing this insightful information.

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