
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Take 2 and feel better in the mornng.

You've heard the old saying from doctors, "Take two aspirin and call me in the morning"? 
What if you could do something better?  How about take 2 Nutriferon and you won't need to call the doctor.  That is exactly what Jan did.  Here's her story.

Last week for the first time in at least a decade, I got sick with a nasty cold and congestive flu. I was shocked! And this was so awful it put me in bed! I think I caught it at my grandson's state basketball tournament. He was sick and playing with a 101 degree temperature! I thought I'd let you know what I did to get over it and maybe this will help others, too. 

When NutriFeron came out several years ago, I took it to keep my immune system strong while teaching. That happened, but I was surprised when taking it also eliminated the seasonal allergies and sinus problems I'd suffered from for many years. Since then I've faithfully taken two a day and have never had any more problems with either of those conditions. Plus, I haven't had any colds, and that's been a blessing, but I did catch one last week. 

So, as I was in bed, miserable and emptying a kleenex box, I thought that if a person can take two Tylenol every four hours when sick, then I could surely take two NutriFeron every four hours. That's what I did and by the next morning all of the symptoms were totally gone! I was really amazed and so happy that I could get up and get going again!

Jan Christensen 

Read here about Nutriferon and why it helped Jan. 

Email Mary Beth at for your Personal Confidential Nutrition Consultation.

Mary Beth Potrykus

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